Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra Society Strategic Plan

The Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra is a community orchestra dedicated to providing live, classical symphonic music to the community while providing an opportunity for local professionals and accomplished amateurs to perform the classics.

  1. Maintain a four-subscription concert schedule with a free summer concert
  2. Increase awareness in the schools by promoting the Nester Scholarship and increasing participation of talented high school musicians in the orchestra
  3. Increase Board of Directors size and promote succession plan
  4. Recruit volunteer publicist
  5. Recruit volunteer house manager
  6. Recruit volunteer grant writer
  7. At the start of each new season, have funds on hand for the entire season.
  8. Increase endowment to $150,000


Board Revised and Approved, 2021
William Hulsker, President



© 2015 Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra All rights reserved